Channel Takedowns
Can I takedown my own channel?
Answer: No, please contact Partner Success to start the channel takedown process.
What is the process to takedown multiple channels?
Answer: Do not send in individual tickets. Send in an Excel sheet with the full channel name and channel ID or Channel Access Code.
Will the channel be removed from all devices after a channel takedown?
Answer:After the channel takedown is completed, it will be taken down from both the public channel store and your Developer Dashboard. Whenever users attempt to launch the channel from their device, they will encounter an "Out of service" message.
Keep in mind that changes can take up to 24 hours to propagate after the action is complete.
Can Roku upload a custom in-channel messaging for our channel to notify our users of the channel takedown?
Answer: No, users will see a generic "Out of Service" message.
Can I use the same channel name in the future when I republish a channel?
Answer: Yes, you will be able to use the same channel name as the deleted channel when you publish a brand new channel in the future.
Can I temporarily disable my channel, and republish in the future when it's ready?
Answer: No, once the channel has been removed from the Public channel store, we will not be able to "republish" the same channel to public. You will need to build and publish a brand new channel.
Can I remove a channel with In-channel products?
Answer: In order to remove a channel that offers in-channel purchases from the platform, follow these steps:
1: Notify existing users at least two weeks in advance that your channel will be sunsetting on X date.
2: Navigate to Manage My In-Channel Products and edit all products so "Cleared for Sale" is marked as "No."
If In-Channel Products are not uncleared for sale, your subscribers will still be charged. Do not delete your products without marking "Not cleared for sale"
If a user is subscribed to an un-checked for sale product, their subscription will automatically be canceled on their next billing cycle. For example, if a user is charged for a monthly subscription on the 15th of each month, their subscription will automatically be canceled on the 15th of the next month in their billing cycle.
3: Using your historical transaction data, generate refunds and cancellations for all existing subscribers using the Roku Web Service API.
4:Notify Partner Success to confirm the above steps have been completed.
5: Partner Success takes channel off the public Channel Store and marks the channel as "beta."
For more information, please see: How do I remove a channel with in-channel products?
Channel Transfers
How can I transfer my channel to another account?
Answer: Please contact Partner Success to start the channel transfer process. Please include your channel name, channel ID/access code and the destination developer email. Make sure that you are requesting the transfer from the main Developer Account. If you have multiple transfers, please do not send in individual tickets. Send in an Excel sheet with the full channel name and channel ID or Channel Access Code.
Will there be an interruption in the channel for users?
Answer: No, there will be no channel interruption in the channel for users. Users will not see any changes on their end.
Can I transfer a channel with in-channel products?
Answer: No, in-channel products cannot be transfered.
Before proceeding with the channel transfer, it is necessary to clear all in-channel products and refund users, as these products cannot be transferred. The new developer will then need to recreate the in-channel products, and users will have to resubscribe.
If you still wish to continue with the transfer, we recommend consulting our Knowledge Center article titled "How do I remove a channel from Roku that offers subscriptions?" This article provides detailed instructions on properly removing in-channel products.
Alternatively, you may consider utilizing our role-based access feature, which allows developers to grant access to another account. For more information on how the Role Based feature can facilitate this process, please refer to the following link: User access management
Can I transfer an unpublished channel?
Answer: Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer unpublished channels. In order to proceed, you will need to delete the current channel and recreate it in the new account.
We have a new version of the channel. Can Roku transfer the users from the old channel to our new channel?
Answer: No, users are non-transferrable.
Do all channel analytics including reviews transfer over?
Answer: Yes.
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