Audio & Video Support
- Does Roku support WebRTC and Play WebRTC streams?
- Does Roku support multiple audio tracks?
- Where to store AES-128 key?
- What is the optimal bitrate for 1080p videos?
- Will PAL vs NTSC will be an issue?
- If my video file is HD 720 x 1280, how will that display on viewers tv's? Will it fill up only a portion of the frame on an HD tv or will the files automatically fit the screen?
- Can I create an iPhone video casting application for Roku without creating a Casting Channel on Roku?
- Which Roku device (model, OS version) supports DASH + CENC Widevine playback?
- Is it possible for the end user to watch all the videos on my channel in a continuous loop?
- Do you have a list of all supported languages and their codes?
- What types of audio streams are accepted by Roku?
- Do you accept other file formats versus MP4
- Is there any method in Roku doc tells us which resolution TV is connected or what display type user selected (SD/HD/FHD)?
- Do we need Separate assets/images/icons for different resolutions (FHD/HD/SD)?
- Can I create an XML component file to display 4K images without changing the existing design of my FHD channel?
- Can channels play videos hosted on YouTube?
- Playback of DASH videos protected by playready fails non-deterministically with an "unknown error" Error -3.
- How to create HLS with 5.1 and 2.0 so that Roku devices fall back to 2.0 audio
- Do we have to apply license to a 3rd party, and if yes which license server is recommended for PlayReady DRM?
- Is it possible to enforce HDCP2.2 for 1080p contents?
- Do all Roku devices support HTTPS HLS stream playback?
- Can our clients' Roku devices locally cache videos - temporarily saved in the Roku sticks?
- Should I expect PlayReady SL3000 to work?
- Is there a way for us to record a side-loaded channel?
- We're about to improve our video resolution in our channel. Can all Roku players handle the higher resolution of 1080p?
- I'm testing WebVTT captions and while I see the caption languages are available to select in captions menu, no captions show up on screen.