Zero dollar transactions when purchase type is "Sale."
Roku Pay
Developer Dashboard
Zero dollar ($0.00) transactions are shown on the transaction report for:
- Initial free trial sign ups
- Cancellations
- Test users that are configured in the channel's Developer Dashboard
- Test users will also receive Roku invoice notifications via email with a $0.00 balance.
- Test users that are Roku employees
Additional Resources
Please note, if you have a Direct Publisher channel, it is not expected for any data to appear in the Transaction Report.
Example: Channel with $6.99 monthly subscription with 7-day free trial.
What if transaction report shows...
- A single $0.00 charge for a user?
- User has signed up for free trial and their free trial period has not yet expired.
- A single $6.99 charge for a user?
- User has already complete free trial in the past. They have since returned and resubscribed to your channel. They are not offered free trial again and thus will immediately be charged $6.99/month pricing.
- A $0.00 and $6.99 charge for the same user?
- User has converted from free trial ($0.00) to paid subscription ($6.99) OR
- User has cancelled existing subscription ($0.00) and resubscribed ($6.99).
- A $0.00, $6.99, and another $0.00 for the same user?
- $0.00 free trial sign up --> $6.99 charge for first billing cycle upon conversion of free trial --> $0.00 cancellation.
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